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Bulgarian center of innovation project launching event  July 16-17,2015 Sofia Bulgaria.

Hosted by the Bulgarian Ministry of Economic , Co-hosted by the Israeli embassy in Sofia Bulgaria.

Bulgarian Minister of economic Bozhidar Lukarski: "We are working to promote innovation in the Israeli model"

Economy Minister Bozhidar Lukarski will open a Bulgarian-Israeli business forum on innovation.

"Bulgarian-Israeli cooperation in innovation will make an important contribution to achieving our strategic goal by 2020 Bulgaria should make a qualitative leap and move into the moderate innovators." –he said.

"The forum is a good opportunity to exchange ideas letting the successful Israeli model to be applied to our Bulgarian reality."

said Economy Minister

The development of the strategy is one of the mandatory preconditions for programming period 2014 - 2020, and the basis for the implementation of the Operational Programe "Competitiveness and Innovation", which is managed by the ministry of economic.

"Innovation is a strategic tool for any nation that wants to prosper and develop economically." – said the ambassador of Israel in our Hon. Shaul Kamins Raz. According to him, Bulgaria has a huge potential to develop innovation, but this time only takes willpower and diligence.

Loukarski and added that the experience of Israel can serve for

the implementation of effective measures for the promotion of innovation. "The state can and has the political will to provide incentives for the development of innovation and create a sustainable environment for them to develop into marketable products," promised Minister. Only in this way it will reduce the risk and fear of failure "The forum is a good opportunity to exchange ideas to successful Israeli model to be applied to our Bulgarian reality," said Economy Minister Bozidar Lukarski and added that the experience of Israel can serve for the implementation of effective measures for the promotion of innovation. "The state can and has the political will to provide incentives for the development of innovation and create a sustainable environment for them to develop into marketable products," promised Minister. Only in this way it will reduce the risk and fear of failure, because they are one of the main obstacles to innovation. Lukarski stressed the importance of cooperation between science and business. Because they are one of the main obstacles to innovation. Lukarski stressed the importance of cooperation between science and business.

"Innovation is not an area in which things happen with a magic wand. They must be created proper conditions. I believe this will be followed successful experience in Bulgaria." – said Ambassador Raz. He noted that if you consider parameters that are allowed to develop innovation in Israel, in Bulgaria there are the same parameters.

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